Monday, June 22, 2009

The new site is up!

OK it only took me a month longer than I thought it would, but I finally finished the new crafty nara site and webstore. I still have a lot to add to the store, but I wanted to get it up and running and get a little up in the store everyday. I have already signed up for google advertising and next will be facebook advertising. (i get free credit for both with my web design software). Next step is to do some advertising postcards and put them around where people might be interested.
I have also got a spot vending at Rakassah in the fall which is a super big bellydance show, I am spliting the booth with Melanie, so hopefully it won't be hard to make it worth my while since I am only paying for half the booth. Of course I am also excited to be able to spend time with Mel, It will be like the good ol' gypsy days :)

Well got to fold laundry, do some dance practice (I am performing in a few weeks eeeeek!) and then maybe take more pictures for the site.

Go check me out at

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