Monday, June 16, 2014

Needle book and pin cushion

This year at the Settmour Swamp's annual Mudthaw event I received a very special gift during baronial court. Baroness Jehannine and Baron Erec brought me and my friend Lydia into court to recognize and thank us for making their garb for them for this year and last years Mudthaw. It was very sweet of them and they also presented us with handmade period sewing needles. I decided that I could no longer put off the needle book project I have been thinking about for a few years.
The embroidery designs are taken out of different cross stitch books that I have and are not documented medieval designs.
I just thought they were pretty, and sometimes that is enough for me :)
I drew out the border lines for the needle book and pin cushions on aida cloth that I had lying around. I did all the embroidery first before cutting them pieces out so I could use a bigger embroidery hoop when working with the motifs.

Here are the pieces cut out along with the purple fabric I am using for lining. The embroidery floss will be used to connect the pin cushion to the scissors.

The pin cushion with right sides of the fabric together ready to get a seam sewn around the edge.

The needle book with right sides together. The side seams on the purple lining were sewn over before attaching them to the outside cover of the needle book so that It could easily be turned right side out again. Since the side pieces of the cover will be folded over to make inside sleeves in the book it is not necessary to sew the lining seam down.

pinning before sewing.

more pinning

The edges sewn and the corners clipped to make it look better when turned inside out.

I used wool roving and a small knitting needle to stuff the pin cushion.

using a whip stitch to close up the piece I left open for stuffing.

The needle book turned right side out and ironed.

The front view.

Button hole stitch used on edge to keep the edges from fraying and also as a decorative edge.

whip stitching the bottom edge of sleeves.

added "pages" of felt to the book. These pages will be used to hold the needles and pins. I also added green ribbon that will tie the book closed.

Using the purple floss to give it a decorative touch.

I got a tip from an embroider at artisans row at Pennsic to use the plastic from milk containers as thread holders in needle books.

Cutting out using my hard working "misc. craft" scissors. NEVER use your sewing scissors for this type of job.

I made one for the back sleeve and one for the front sleeve.

Used my cropodile tool to punch half circle holes to give a place for the thread to rest.

The finished front of the needle book.

The back of the needle book, with a "V" for Vivian.

inside front cover with thread holder and the 2 needles on the left were the 2 that were gifted to me at Mudthaw.

Center of book with modern store bought needles.

Inside back sleeve with more thread and safety pins.

The final products.

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