Greetings and Happy New Year!!!! Thanks to the miracle of modern pharmecuticals I am much more focused and organized that I have been in the last several months. I have been working hard getting all the crafts I had half finished, done and up on my ETSY store. I have had a few sales, which is encouraging, and it seems my tie dyes are getting the most attention. I did a few personalized ones for my niece and nephews for Christmas, and they loved them so that really got me motivated. I have so many ideas swirling around in my head, it is hard to finish one project at a time, but I am forcing myself to catch up before moving on.
I am still working on all the handcrafted Christmas gifts I was so sure I would get done on time! Oh well hopefully the recipients think the gifts were worth the wait.
I also had to organize my basement studio so that I didn't have to take over the living room to work on the computer, and it makes it easier to be in the craft room while working on the craft business. They only problem was I have no room, so I made myself a little "cubbard under the stairs". It would actually be quite comfortable if it wasn't so cold down here! I did find the little space heaters we bought for our last house which was old and drafty. I have it facing twords the sewing machines presently in an effort to stop myself from playing too much solitare on the computer, and actually go finish sewing my line of tie dyed bellydance wear.
I really want to keep this site more updated, as there have been a lot of crafting going on over here.
I am also working on a project with my brother, that I am sure will be hillarious, we just need to get it started. I am hoping to do this on Friday. More on this as things develop!
This year is all about hope and change, and I am doing my very best to make the most of my situation. Here is to a happy new year to us all!!
Happy Crafting!